Friday, October 15, 2010

"lifestyle choice"

Teddy Partridge of Firedoglake criticizes White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett that she used words "lifestyle choice" describing  a 15-year-old gay teenage Justin Aarberg ,who committed a suicide, as having "made a lifestyle choice".

He provides Michael Petrelis' commentary on the blog:
The last time I heard anyone use the obnoxious phrase "lifestyle choice" to describe a gay person’s sexual orientation was during the Bill Clinton presidency when the gays were accused of wanting "special rights."

Today the Washington Post’s gay kapo Jonathan Capehart shares a video interview he conducted on Monday with senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett. She clearly states a belief that Minnesota gay teen Justin Aarberg, who committed suicide in July after being bullied, made a "lifestyle choice."
He argues that Valerie Jarrett made a "boneheaded remark," and we are "doomed."
He strongly criticizes Valerie Jarrett's remark as her being " the closest adviser to the President on LGBT issues"

           Number one: it’s not a lifestyle.
           Number two: it’s not a choice.
           Number three: Valerie Jarrett is an idiot.

 I don't think that she meant to disrespect the teenage boy or LGBT. But I agree that Valerie Jarrett made mistake by using wrong words. Like Teddy Partridge mentioned it's not a lifestyle and a choice. It was a poor choice of word. It doesn't really make any sense that  she referred to someone's sexual identity as a "lifestyle choice" after speaking about gay rights at the Human Rights Campaign dinner.

This video clip helped me to think one more time and to understand why Valerie Jarrett's remark, "lifestyle choice" was a mistake and a nonsense that  Democratic Party's "closest adviser to the President" should not make.

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